Easy News📺
I introduce Japanese news in easy Japanese.
Today’s Theme is “ユニークな自動販売機《Unique vending machine》”.
This episode is JLPT-N3 level.
I created a quiz on this episode.
After listening, please take the quiz!
Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices.
自動販売機(じどうはんばいき / jidōhanbaiki):vending machine
*自販機(じはんき / jihanki):"自販機" is a shortened form of "自動販売機".
面倒な(めんどうな / mendōna):troublesome
化粧品(けしょうひん / keshōhin):cosmetics
見た目(みため / mitame):appearance
特徴(とくちょう / tokuchō):characteristics
おごる(ogoru):treat someone
*おごり(ogori):"おごり" is the noun form of the word "おごる".
~を かざす(~o kazasu):place, hold
→カードをカードリーダーにかざす:place the card in front of the reader
(※Use this grammar when describing a surprise or new discovery rather than an ordinary account of an event.)
☆Script for this episode
The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel.
☆Quiz for this episode
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