I will be laughed at... I feel ashamed about my English.
23 июля 2022 г.
23 июля 2022 г.
I will be laughed at... I feel ashamed about my English.
Is it something that you hear often?
It's the voice in your head that does that, right?
Most people do when they learn a second language.
It's a normal thing for students to create scary/negative pictures in their head when they think about communicating in English.
You can agree with that too :)
Listen to the podcast whether you need general English, business English or IELTS improvement as inside you'll find ideas to make your English learning/ Becoming better at communicating easier and much fun :)
I am here to support you as I am your support structure and Here to Help.
Enjoy the podcast and share if you feel it's of value!
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