做饭 Cooking (Beginner)
做饭 Cooking (Beginner)
2 октября 2022 г.
In this episode we are going to learn 【Cooking】in Chinese. -------------------------------------------------- As a beginner, there're some vocabularies that you didn't learn before, and native speaker's speed seems too fast to understand. But don't worry, let's do it step by step. 1st time: listen and catch the words you know already, have a guess about the content. 2nd time: look at the text to check if you guessed it right. 3rd time: listen one more time, repeat after it. 4th time: practice until you can speak as the normal speed without looking at the text. -------------------------------------------------- 我喜欢在家做饭。 wǒ xǐ huān zài jiā zuò fàn 。 I love to cook at home. 炒、煮、煎、蒸、油炸、烤,我都会。 chǎo 、 zhǔ 、 jiān 、 zhēng 、 yóu zhá 、 kǎo , wǒ dōu huì 。 Stir-fry, boil, fry, steam, deep-fry, bake, I can do all. 我的拿手菜是蛋炒饭。 wǒ de ná shǒu cài shì dàn chǎo fàn 。 My specialty is egg fried rice. 先准备食材:米饭、鸡蛋、玉米和胡萝卜等。 xiān zhǔn bèi shí cái : mǐ fàn 、 jī dàn 、 yù mǐ hé hú luó bo děng 。 First, prepare the ingredients: rice, eggs, corn, carrots and so on. 玉米剥粒,胡萝卜切丁。 yù mǐ bāo lì , hú luó bo qiē dīng 。 Peel the corn and dice the carrots. 先炒米饭,再放鸡蛋和蔬菜,最后加调味料。 xiān chǎo mǐ fàn , zài fàng jī dàn hé shū cài , zuì hòu jiā tiáo wèi liào 。 Stir-fry the rice first, then add the eggs and vegetables, and add the seasoning in the end. 闻起来很香,吃起来更香。 wén qǐ lái hěn xiāng , chī qǐ lái gèng xiāng 。 It smells good and tastes even better. 你也试试吧。 nǐ yě shì shì ba 。 You should try it too.
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Yuli's Chinese Channel