I Podcast Secondo San Luca - The Italian doubles, with brief practical training.
I Podcast Secondo San Luca - The Italian doubles, with brief practical training.
29 ноября 2023 г.
Each language has it's own way to pronunciate and express what you want to say. To express your thoughts. So in order to achieve that we a have one of the most beautiful tools within our body, the voice. The voice is a result of breathing, vocal cords and the mouth system. Muscles outer and inner ones, tongue, teeth and airflow basically. So if you want to pronunciate correctly from one language to another you just need to become aware and imitate the same movements. How? In fron of a mirror read a list ow words in your own language and in the language you want to learn. slowly pronunciate your words and the new words. Become aware of the movements you give for granted and the new movements. Feel your mouth. It is a process where you need to slow down form any of your rush from the day. A chance to know better and a kind of mindful meditation as well. So many things to be grateful! Just play with it and with patience you are going to talk even better than me.. Yes but how do I know the new movements and how they sounds? Listen to my podcast and search on videos that are showing you the mouth sounds, or simpler follow my simple method. Repeat! List to use: Ramarro (RRRRR, ramaRRo) - green lizard palazzo (TSO, palaTSO) - building colletto (Tstrong, colleTTO) - collar, white collar coraggio (JJYO, coraJJYO) - courage possibile Slong - SSSSSnake) - possible tetto (Tstrong, teTTO) - roof doppio (Pstrong, doPPYO) - double pallone (Lstrong, paLLone) - ball SituaZIONE (situaTSYOne) - situation You can do it!
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I Podcast Secondo San Luca
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