#47 Short story / 冬の家族物語《Winter Family Tale》/ storytelling // N5 Level / Japanese listening
#47 Short story / 冬の家族物語《Winter Family Tale》/ storytelling // N5 Level / Japanese listening
11 декабря 2023 г.
Today’s episode is “冬の家族物語 (fuyu no kazoku monogatari)《Winter Family Tale》. I created a story about spending time with family in Japan during December and January. This episode is JLPT-N5 level. I created a quiz on this episode. After listening, please take the quiz! Please use this audio for listening and shadowing practices. ☆Words 電気毛布(でんきもうふ):electric blanket 雪合戦(ゆきがっせん):snowball fight 雪(ゆき)だるま:snowman お腹(なか)が空(す)く:hungry 温(あたた)かい:warm かぼちゃ:pumpkin 準備(じゅんび):preparation 飾(かざ)る:decorate サンタさん:Santa Claus 人形(にんぎょう):doll 楽(たの)しみにする:look forward to イチゴ:strawberry 冬休(ふゆやす)み:winter vacation 温泉(おんせん):hot spring 卓球(たっきゅう):table tennis 神社(じんじゃ):shrine ☆Script for this episode The scripts (URL) are listed in the overview section of the channel. ☆Quiz for this episode https://www.italki.com/quiz/set/17990?utm_source=copylink_share&utm_medium=share_content&utm_campaign=share_quiz
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Simple Japanese Listening with Meg(めぐ)Smile
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