Learn some words with Chinese animation
Learn some words with Chinese animation
29 марта 2022 г.
Hi! I am Sylvia, your native mandarin teacher from China~ I would like to share you an excellent and funny Chinese animaition today! You could find out the Chinese culture and Chinese daily life in this animation. while you are listening the introduction of this show, I will share you some useful words in Mandarin! Hope you could learn with fun!!! Please check today's vocabularies: tuī jiàn 推 荐 recommend; recommendation nǐ tuī jiàn chī shén me ? 你 推 荐 吃 什 么 ? What do you recommend to eat? dònɡ huà 动 画 animation; cartoon wǒ xǐ huɑn zhè ɡe dònɡ huà 。 我 喜 欢 这 个 动 画 。 I like this animation. lèi xínɡ 类 型 type nǐ xǐ huɑn shén me lèi xínɡ de dònɡ huà ? 你 喜 欢 什 么 类 型 的 动 画 ? What type of animation do you like? xǐ jù 喜 剧 comedy zhè ɡe xǐ jù hěn yǒu qù ! 这 个 喜 剧 很 有 趣 ! This comedy is funny! rì chánɡ 日 常 daily wǒ de rì chánɡ shēnɡ huó hěn jiǎn dān 。 我 的 日 常 生 活 很 简 单 。 My daily life is simple. Hope you enjoy today's show. If you like it, please subscribe and let's learn more Mandarin with fun! Welcome to contact me to start your jouney of learning!~ Skype: ❀ Teacher Sylvia❀
Канал подкастов
Sylva Mandarin