一. Dialogue 对话
Jīn wǎn wǒ hé lì lì xiǎng qù K gē ,nǐ yào bú yào lái ?
wǒ bú tài huì chàng gē 。wǒ pà wǒ chàng bÙ hǎo 。
méi guān xì de ,yī qǐ wán kāi xīn jiù hǎo lā !
二. Words & Expressions:
1.【今晚】jīn wǎn: tonight
2.【歌】gē: song
3. 【唱歌】chàng gē: sing
4. 【怕】pà:be afraid of, fear
5. 【开心】kāi xīn : happy
三. Dialogue Explanation:
1. 今晚我和丽丽想去K歌,你要不要来?
Jīn wǎn wǒ hé lì lì xiǎng qù K gē ,nǐ yào bú yào lái ?
Lily and I want to go to Karaoke tonight, do you want to to join us?
2. 我不太会唱歌。我怕我唱不好。
Wǒ bú tài huì chàng gē 。wǒ pà wǒ chàng bÙ hǎo 。
I’m not good at singing, I’m afraid that I can’t sing well.
note: "不太“ literally means "not too", which means "not very" or "not so".
3. 没关系的,一起玩开心就好啦!
Méi guān xì de ,yī qǐ wán kāi xīn jiù hǎo lā !
Don’t worry, let’s just have fun together!
☞ (不太会唱歌和唱不好是)没关系的= 没关系的 abbr.
☞The "是... 的" construction for emphasizing details
the 是⋯⋯的 construction is frequently used when asking or telling details about the past.Although this structure is called the 是⋯⋯的 construction, the 是 is nearly always optional. You will often hear this structure with 是 omitted, so be aware. The only time 是 is required in this construction is when it's being negated. Other than that, 是 is commonly omitted.
e.g. 1
A: 你 骑 自行车 来 的 吗 ?(Emphasizing "by bike")
nǐ qí zìxíngchē lái de ma?
Did you come by bike?
B: 我 走 来 的 。(Emphasizing "by foot")
Wǒ zǒu lái de.
I came by foot.
A: 谁 告诉 你 的 ?(Emphasizing "who")
shéi gàosu nǐ de?
Who told you?
B: 一 个 同事 告诉 我 的 。(Emphasizing "a colleague")
yī gè tóngshì gàosu wǒ de.
A colleague told me.
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