02. 成语--此地无银三百两Idiom--cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng No 300 taels of silver buried here
02. 成语--此地无银三百两Idiom--cǐ dì wú yín sān bǎi liǎng No 300 taels of silver buried here
7 августа 2022 г.
古时候,有个叫张三的人,他费了好大的劲儿,才积攒下三百两银子,心里很高兴。但他总是怕别人把这些钱偷去,就找了一只箱子,把三百两银子钉在箱中,然后埋在屋后的地底下。 可是他还是不放心,怕别人到这儿来挖,于是就想了一个“巧妙”的办法。他拿出一张纸,写上七个大字:“此地无银三百两”,贴在墙角边,这才放心地走了。 谁知道他的举动,都被隔壁的王二看到了。半夜,趁张三熟睡,王二把三百两银子全偷走了。为了不让张三知道,他也在一张纸上写了七个大字:“隔壁王二不曾偷”,也贴在墙上。 张三第二天早上起来,到屋后去看银子,银子不见了,一见纸条,才恍然大悟。 “此地无银三百两”比喻想要用自认为是聪明的手法隐瞒真相,结果反而暴露得更明显。 In ancient times, there was a man named Zhang San. He spent a lot of effort to save 300 taels of silver. He was very happy. But he was always afraid that others would steal the money, so he found a box, nailed the money in the box, and buried it under the ground behind the house. However, he was still worried that others would come here to dig, so he thought of a "clever" idea. He took out a piece of paper and wrote in seven big characters: "there is no silver here, three hundred taels". He stuck it on the corner of the wall, and then he left with confidence. Well, what he did, was seen by Wang Er next door. At midnight, while Zhang San was asleep, Wang Er stole all three hundred taels of silver. In order not to let Zhang San know, he also wrote seven big characters on a piece of paper: "Wang Er next door never stole it", which was also pasted on the wall. Zhang San got up the next morning and went to the back of the house to see the silver. The silver was gone. When he saw the note, he suddenly realized. This idiom is a metaphor for trying to hide the truth with a clever trick, but the result is more obvious, a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure.
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