Ep.10 神(かみ)対応と塩(しお)対応(God response and salt response?)
Ep.10 神(かみ)対応と塩(しお)対応(God response and salt response?)
27 июня 2022 г.
この前、コンサートに行ったんだけど、本当に最高だった!最後に行ったのはコロナの前だから2~3年ぶりかなぁ。fantasticsのコンサートに行ったんだけど、本当に神対応(かみたいおう)だった!主要都市だけじゃなくて、地方にもいくコンサートだからその土地の方言話したり、Twitterでその土地の有名な食べ物聞いてその食レポしたりしてて、すごいおもしろかった! I went to a concert the other night, and it was absolutely fantastic! It's been a couple of years since I last went to a concert in front of Corona, and I went to ”fantastics from exile tribe” concert, and they were absolutely “warm-hearted response”! They were not only going to major cities, but also to rural areas, so they spoke in local dialects and asked their fans on Twitter about famous local foods, and did food reports on them. 日本のコロナのルールはまだ厳しいから、お客さんが声を出すのはだめで、拍手だけだったんだけど、それもすごいいいコンサートだった!アイドルのコンサートとか握手会に行くと塩対応だったっていうことも聞くけど、私は塩対応(しおたいおう)より神対応のほうが好きかな~。 The rules at Corona in Japan are still very strict, so the audience was not allowed to shout, only applaud, but it was a great concert! When I go to idol concerts or handshake events, I hear that they are “unfriendly attitude”, but I prefer a “warm-hearted response” to a “unfriendly attitude”. 塩対応で有名になったアイドルはAKB48の「ぱるる」だよね。この人は神対応をする日がないっていうくらい塩対応だったらしいよ。座ったまま、笑顔もなし、不機嫌な表情だったんだって。でも、それがいい!って人もいて、人気がでたからすごいよね!みんなは神対応と塩対応どっちが好き? The idol who became famous for her “unfriendly attitude” is "Paruru" of AKB48. It is said that she was so “unfriendly attitude” that there was not a day when she did not give a “warm-hearted response”. She would just sit there, not even smiling, with a grumpy expression on her face. But that was good! And it's amazing that she became so popular! Which do you like better, the ““warm-hearted response”” or the salty response? 🌟My courses and schedule https://www.italki.com/teacher/7661858/japanese
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