Describe a story somebody told you and you remember
Describe a story somebody told you and you remember
7 июня 2022 г.
Describe a story somebody told you and you remember You should say: Who told you the story What the story was about Why do you remember it And explain how you felt about it. “I guess I probably heard many stories back when I was a little kid, but the one that has always stuck in my mind is a story my grandfather told me when I was maybe about 7 or 8 years of age. My grandfather, who was an incredibly kind and loving person was however, a man of few words…but when he had something to say, it was usually something worth remembering, and something very interesting about his own life growing up back in the day. I remember it was Christmas time when he told me this story about his life, when he was about the same age as I was at the time, and how life was so different back then. He told me how when he was growing up, the family were very hard up and often strapped for cash, and were not able to have a proper Christmas dinner like most families today. He went on to tell me how both of his parents had to work every god given hour, pinching every penny, so they could just put enough food to survive on the table. It’s a story I have always remembered, and often think about, even today. It reminds me of how lucky and privileged I was growing up, in a pretty well off family, never wanting for anything. I still feel thankful to this day, when i stop to think of the sacrifices that my grandparents and their parents before them had to make so we can live the lives we have today. Thank you…”
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IELTS 85 Speaking