曲高和寡[qǔ gāo hè guǎ]:song/high/accompany/few .
Songs of a highbrow type will find very few people to join in the chorus. or too highbrow to be popular.
楚国 chǔ guó: Chu state in the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.) in Chinese history.
郢都 yǐng dū:Ying capital of Chu State.
通俗歌曲 tōng sú gē qǔ:popular song
民谣 mín yáo:folk songs
《下里 xià lǐ 》、《巴人 bā rén》:Song title
《阳阿 yáng ē》、《薤露 xiè lù》:Song title
《阳春 yáng chūn》、《白雪 bái xuě》
高亢 gāo kàng:resounding;loud and sonorous
婉转 wǎn zhuǎn:sweet and agreeable
高雅 gāo yǎ:elegant and in good taste
深奥 shēn ào:profound; abstruse; depth;
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