4 Ways to Say You're Confused
4 Ways to Say You're Confused
15 июля 2024 г.
Have you ever been so confused you didn't know what to do or say? If so, you might find these words helpful. If you're shocked by something, you can say you are "flabbergasted." No one knows where this word comes from, but it might come from "aghast," which means "horrified." So if you got home and found that everything you own had been stolen, you might say, "I'm flabbergasted that they were able to steal everything without being seen!" If something is very complicated and confusing, you can say you are "bewildered." This word probably comes from "to wilder," an old word that means "to make someone become lost." So if the police were not able to find out anything about what happened, they might say, "We're bewildered — we have no idea who took your things." Another word that could be used is "flummoxed," which also means "confused." People don't know for sure, but it may have come from "flummock," an old word that meant "to make untidy or confuse." So you could say to the police, "I'm just as flummoxed as you are — I can't understand how they could have stolen everything." If something is difficult to understand, you can say it's "perplexing," or makes you feel "perplexed." So the police might say, "I'm sorry, but we might not be able to find your things. This is a very perplexing case!"
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