Hey y’all! My friend thinks I f**ked up an interview by answering a question as to working hours from the HR “Thank you for being upfront. But the amount of workload is excessive with the demands for the hours I will be needed to work at weekends, which exceeds what I am capable of working. “ They said my answer implied I don’t want this job anymore, is that so ? I’m actually interested in that job just not wanting to work at weekends !! Thanks in advance!
17 сент. 2024 г., 7:53
Ответы · 10
Hi Sadie, yes, it does suggest you don't want the job, given the weekend working. It would have been better to have qualified your reply by saying that you are interested, but the weekend hours required would be difficult for you. It would then depend on whether the employer regards weekend working as essential or is willing to negotiate. Since many people would rather not work weekends it's likely that the weekend commitment is seen as obligatory.
17 сент. 2024 г., 8:14
It’s a refusal. You could have said: I would be good at this job but would like to negotiate fewer weekend hours. Depending on their answer, you can either refuse or continue negotiating.
18 сент. 2024 г., 22:48
Your answer to the HR question about working hours implies that you don't want the job anymore.
17 сент. 2024 г., 18:31
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