What are the vertical rows of students in these pictures called? Columns? Isn't that term used on seating charts, spreadsheets and anything that's two-dimensional? Are those students in the first and third picture sitting in vertical rows behind one another (from the teacher's perspective who is always in the front of the classroom) And the students in the second picture are standing in vertical rows behind one another? Or what's is the most natural term? To help you better understand the thing whose name I am looking for I have put circles around the students which probably make it clear that I am not looking for the term ''rows'' as a row is a line of things or people NEXT TO EACH OTHER but here I am looking for the name of the ''row'' where things or people are BEHIND ONE ANOTHER either in motion or not. Thank you in advance!:-)
3 июня 2024 г., 19:53
Ответы · 7
You can use 'row' to describe desks lined up behind each other. Rows can be parallel with the front of the classroom (the front row, the back row). They can also be parallel with the side walls (the row nearest the window, the row nearest the door). You could use 'columns' to describe the kids lined up in the yard. I'd still just use rows though.
3 июня 2024 г., 20:38
You might be thinking of the military terminology, "ranks" and "files." A rank is a line of people standing side by side. A file is a line of people standing one behind the other. These terms are also used in chess, when describing the rows and columns on a chessboard.
4 июня 2024 г., 14:54
one behind another = queue, line
4 июня 2024 г., 9:35
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