The person who I really admire is my mother. She is a strongest person which I've ever known, and it's not only my opinion. My mum always face with any obstacles and overcome them without fear. I'm grateful for supporting when I needed, for the time which we spent together and which we going to spend together 😊
1 янв. 2021 г., 3:20
Исправления · 2
The person who I really admire is my mother. She is the strongest person who I've ever known, and it's not only my opinion. My mum always faces with many obstacles and overcomes them without fear. I'm grateful for supporting when I needed, for the time when we spent together and which we going to spend together 😊
1 января 2021 г.
The person who I really admire is my mother. She is the strongest person who I've ever known and it's not only my opinion. My mum always faces any obstacles and overcomes them without fear. I'm grateful for supporting her when I need much time when we're always going to spend time together 😊
7 января 2021 г.
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