I love reading. As a future librarian, I am fond of books and enjoy being surrounded by stories and knowledge. I specially like to read books bought on second-hand bookstores because they carry twice as much meaning: not only the narrative of the book itself, but also the story that is not written yet can still be seen for example on the marks left by the former owner or sometimes even objects left between the pages, such as bookmarks or receipts. Many people may not value those things, but I think they are of so much meaning, and it proves that every book is unique in their way and that each one has a story... or many!
27 апр. 2022 г., 2:23
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I love reading. As a future librarian, I am fond of books and enjoy being surrounded by stories and knowledge. I specially like to read books bought in/from second-hand bookstores because they carry twice as much meaning: not only the narrative of the book itself, but also the story that is not written, yet can still be seen, for example on the marks left by the former owner or sometimes even objects left between the pages, such as bookmarks or receipts. Many people may not value those things, but I think they have so much meaning, and it proves that every book is unique in its way and that each one has a story... or many! What a lovely text! Really thoughtful and thought provoking. I enjoyed reading it.
27 апреля 2022 г.
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