Note: Light Blue Bar - exports, Aqua colour - imports In this chart imports and exports of a country has been shown on yearly basis. On the horizontal line period in years has been shown; whereas net worth in millions has been added vertically. To Begin with the year of 2019, the imports were higher than that of exports all over the year, with exports of a country stopping at $480 million and imports went up to $690 million at the end of 2019. In a subsequent year, 2020, exports dropped slightly; however, exports rose to $550 despite having coronavirus. With the start of the year 2021, imports jumped at $700 and exports surged to $580, overall there was an increase in both imports and exports. The overall trend has been positive for the country despite facing actuate coronavirus, transportation and labour shortages crisis. Summing it up, the country is moving in an upward trajectory in 2022 by keeping the previous year momentum.
6 февр. 2022 г., 11:45
Исправления · 2
Note: Light Blue Bar - exports, Aqua colour - imports In this chart imports and exports of a country has been shown on yearly basis. On the horizontal line the period in years has been shown; whereas net worth in millions has been added vertically. Beginning with the year of 2019, the imports were higher than the exports throughout the year, with exports of a country stopping at $480 million and imports went up to $690 million at the end of 2019. In a subsequent year, 2020, exports dropped slightly; however, exports rose to $550 despite having coronavirus. With the start of the year 2021, imports jumped at $700 and exports surged to $580, overall there was an increase in both imports and exports. The overall trend has been positive for the country despite facing coronavirus, and transportation and labour shortages. Summing up, the country is moving in an upward trajectory in 2022 by keeping the previous year momentum.
Excellent work. I can't see the chart in corrections but in the sentence starting with " Beginning in 2019" you have exports twice, instead of 8mports and exports.
6 февраля 2022 г.
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