The “Caga Tió” (1/2) I took this photo last weekend while I was rambling in the streets of Barcelona. This days shops and streets are filled with Christmas decorations, especially the flower shops such this one in the picture, although you can’t see it because it’s just at my back (I guess a professional photographer would have chosen a much better perspective, sure!). Anyway, you can see there two Christmas’s little fir trees, you know, and a couple of strange little beings that we call “Caga tío” and that I don’t dare to translate for you just in case this platform banned me for using eschatological words (feel free to check up it in Google). The “Caga tío” is a Christmas Catalan tradition, although I think that similar custom exist in other parts of the northeast of Spain. Basically it consists in a log, with a funny face, a red cap, and two legs; in addition, it’s covered with a blanket to remain warmth itself, avoiding the winter cold. This is it for today. Next time I will explain how it works and why is an experience so exciting for kids.
14 дек. 2022 г., 16:57
Исправления · 8
The “Caga Tió” (1/2) I took this photo last weekend while I was rambling through the streets of Barcelona. These days/this time of year shops and streets are filled with Christmas decorations, especially the flower shops such as this one in the picture—although you can’t see it because it’s just at my back (I guess a professional photographer would have chosen a much better perspective for sure!). Anyway, you can see there are two little Christmas fir trees, and a couple of strange little beings that we call “Caga tío”, that I don’t dare to translate for you just in case this platform banned me for using profane/inappropriate words (feel free to look it up on Google). The “Caga tío” is a Catalan Christmas tradition, although I think that similar customs exist in other parts of northeastern Spain. Basically it consists of a log, with a funny face, a red cap, and two legs; additionally, it’s covered with a blanket to keep warm, avoiding the winter cold. This is it for today. Next time I will explain how it works, and why it’s an exciting experience for kids.
Great job, Agustín! I have a Caga tío in my house from Barcelona as well. When writing and speaking, remember that the adjective(s) (description word) comes before the noun. “Catalan Christmas tradition”, “exciting experience” and “two little Christmas for trees” are examples.
14 декабря 2022 г.
The “Caga Tió” (1/2) I took this photo last weekend while I was walking through the streets of Barcelona. These days shops and streets are filled with Christmas decorations, especially flower shops which isn’t shown in this picture. Anyway, you can see that there are two little Christmas trees and a couple of strange little beings that we call “Caga tío” - “Pooping Logs”. I don’t dare to translate this for you just in case this platform bans me for using eschatological words (feel free to look it up in Google). The “Caga tío” is a Christmas Catalan tradition, although I think that a similar custom exists in other parts of the northeast of Spain. Basically it consists of a log, with a funny face, a red cap, and two legs. In addition, it’s covered with a blanket to stay warm and to avoid the cold winter. This is it for today. Next time I will explain how it works and why it’s an experience super exciting for kids.
14 декабря 2022 г.
Funny! I was in Barcelona for the first time this past October.
16 декабря 2022 г.
The “Caga Tió” (1/2) I took this photo last weekend while I was rambling in the streets of Barcelona. These days shops and streets are filled with Christmas decorations, especially the flower shops such this one in the picture, although you can’t see it because it’s just at my back (I guess a professional photographer would have chosen a much better perspective, sure!). Anyway, you can see there two little Christmas fir trees, you know, and a couple of strange little beings that we call “Caga tío” and that I don’t dare to translate for you just in case this platform would ban me for using eschatological words (feel free to check up it in Google). The “Caga tío” is a Christmas Catalan tradition, although I think that a similar custom exists in other parts of the northeast of Spain. Basically it consists in a log, with a funny face, a red cap, and two legs; in addition, it’s covered with a blanket to remain warmth itself, avoiding the winter cold. This is it for today. Next time I will explain how it works and why is an experience so exciting for kids.
¡Que nombre tan gracioso! 😆
15 декабря 2022 г.
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