⚡⚡ Did you know that Iranian teachers and students are going to have their accounts closed later this month? ⚡⚡ Apart from Iran, users from Cuba, Syria and North Korea will also be affected. If you disagree with this please contact iTalki and let them know your views. Thank you! https://support.italki.com/hc/en-us/articles/6721468683289-Regional-Service-Termination-Notice-
5 июня 2022 г., 21:10
Ответы · 31
Well…I think they are Americans’ enemies. Are they?
6 июня 2022 г.
Thank you very much for your support, if they really ban us from using the app from June 25th, it's time to boycott this company for their racist and discriminatory decisions! This company must know that they rely on its clients and the clients must act in the right way! I, as a language teacher can work on my own and I will do my best to find students elsewhere and in other ways, but please please let's make italki pay for its racism!!!
6 июня 2022 г.
What!? Why?
6 июня 2022 г.
I believe this is an ugly decision. Where should I write? To technical support?
8 июня 2022 г.
It is so hypocritical that this month Iranian teachers and students are going to have their accounts closed. At the same time there is a promotion with coupons this month that is only for Chinese teachers and students. How can this be explained? 太虚伪了,这月底,伊朗教师和学生们的账户将被关闭。 同时到这月底,有优惠券促销活动,只限给中国/台湾教师和学生们。 这怎么能解释过来呢?
5 июня 2022 г.
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