Hien Ha
How to distinguish these words?

I'm getting confused about how to use these words because they have the same meaning in Vietnamese. Please help me.

Although-Even though-Though-Despite-Despite of




mostly-most of

22 янв. 2016 г., 8:50
Комментариев · 4

Here's a little help:


Bored and Boring

Adjectives that end with -ed talk about one's own feelings.
Adjectives that end with -ing talk about a person, a thing or a situation that causes one's feelings.

For example:

- The movie was boring (so I felt bored).

- This book is so interesting (so I am interested in the book).

- My girlfriend has a very annoying habit (so I am annoyed).

- English usage can be confusing (so a lot of students are confused).

- My job promotion was surprising (so I was surprised).

- The basketball game was exciting (so the fans were excited).


Although and Though

Both these words can be used as conjunctions, with the same meaning.

In informal speech, 'though' is more common.

- (Al)though the government refuses to admit it, its economic policy is in ruins.

- (Al)though I don't agree with him, I think he's honest.

- I'd quite like to go out, (al)though it is a bit late.


'though' – used as an adverb

We can use 'though' as an adverb, to mean 'however'.

- Nice day. Yes. Bit cold, though.

- The strongest argument, though, is economic and not political.


Even though

We use even though to emphasise a contrast. (Even although is not possible.)

- Even though I didn't understand a word, I kept smiling.

- I agreed to go, even though I didn't really want to go.

22 января 2016 г.

Hi Hien Ha, 


That's a lot of questions, I'll try to explain a couple. 


Boring/bored, tiring/tired - these are the same in terms of use.  Something is boring (a movie, a book a class).  ''Bored'' is the state of being.  For example, when I watch a boring movie, I am bored.  My dog went on a tiring walk, now he is tired.  If I say ''I am boring'', it means that I am making someone else ''bored''.  


Although/even though/though/despite/INSPITE of (not despite of)- these are harder to explain.  They have different uses in grammar and meaning (very subtle differences).  I like Peachey's idea of looking them up with examples, that would probably be the best.  If it makes any difference, these words drive me crazy in each language I've learned, so you are not alone.  


The others you ask about are actually pretty different in meaning, so just looking them up in a good dictionary should also help.  

22 января 2016 г.

Hi there,


Well, the clear problem is that you're using only a translator.  You need to look up these words in a dictionary (yes, one by one) and find sample sentences. Try <em>www.thefreedictionary.com</em>


Look up "ing ed adjectives in English" and you'll find many good explanations of how they differ.

22 января 2016 г.

Thank you Peachey and Emily! I'm looking up some online dictionaries.

It's very helpful to me. Thank you Richard! Sometimes it's hard to compare and distinguish many words at the same time.

23 января 2016 г.