Learning Article : 10 Tips For Self-Studying French

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<a href='/article/80/10-tips-for-self-studying-french' target='_blank'>10 Tips For Self-Studying French</a>

Have you ever taken a French class – or years’ worth of French classes – only to find that you still can’t speak? Or, perhaps you’d like to try a course, but you live in an area without French classes or tutors? The good news is that, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you no longer have to feel locked into classroom study. In fact, self-studying a language using a variety of different resources can actually be more efficient, more effective and much more fun than taking a structured class.

22 апр. 2014 г., 0:00
Комментариев · 2

I've been learning French for two years and I still struggle to speak the language. Donc, merci beaucoup pour les conseils, Stephanie!

10 декабря 2014 г.

Thank you , C'est très important , vous pouvez écrire un article en français pour les gens qui un niveau pas mal en français ou qu ils comprendre le français et veulent améliorer leur niveau :)

12 октября 2014 г.