Question with "result from" /occur I want to make a question using result from. Below is an example with an answer. Question: (How do that result from) or (From where do that result from) or something else? Answer: Our success results from our cooperation as a team. -"Occur" can be used with the same meaning as result from? (How do this occur? for example) Thank u
21 сент. 2014 г., 11:27
Исправления · 2


I want to ask a question using the term "result from". An example is below.


Question: What will be the results from our cooperation?


Answer: Our success will be a result from our cooperation as a team. 


-"Occur" can be used with the same meaning as result from? (How do this occur? for example)

Occur and "result from" are similar, but are used in different ways. "How does this occur" would be correct. You would not say "how did this result from", but you might say "Being cold is the result from having the window open." Another meaning of occur is "happen" or "happens", for example: How did this happen?   


25 октября 2014 г.
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