THE WOODPECKER’S BANK Early one morning the children wanted to make a feeding table for the birds that came to their house. “I’ll show you how to make one.” So their father and they worked all day long until it was finished. The children took some bread crumbs from their plate and sprinkled them in the feeding table. Then they sat down and watched the chickadees, blue jays and other birds that came to their feeding table. One bird that came everyday to their feeding table was a woodpecker. The children estimated him and fond out something about the woodpecker each time he came. When he flew away he would always take some crumbs with him. One day Sally sprinkled some bread crumbs on the feeding table and estimated the woodpecker again. When he had flown away Sally kept an eye on him. The woodpecker as usual took some crumbs from the feeding table and flew to the roof of a garage. “Oh, oh; look Dick. The woodpecker is taking its crumbs on the roof of the garage. It is sliding its crumbs into a crack.” “Yes.” Said father, woodpeckers keep what is important to them and hid them away in dark holes or crack.” “It is just like that we, people keep money in banks. Ohh! Maybe that crack on the roof of the garage is the woodpecker’s bank!” “Yes, it is really like that.” The next day Dick and Sally kept an eye on the woodpecker, but it didn’t come to their feeding table again. They saw a blue jay flying toward the woodpecker’s bank. The woodpecker saw that and was very angry. He flew toward his bank and screamed at the blue jay that made her very afraid. Then the blue jay flew away without any of the woodpecker’s crumbs. The children laughed and thought of the blue jay that was scared of the woodpecker.
8 янв. 2016 г., 6:31
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Early one morning the children wanted to make a feeding table for the birds that came to their gardenhouse. “I’ll show you how to make one.” said their father, and So their father and they worked all day long until it was finished.
The children took some bread crumbs from their plate and sprinkled them on the feeding table. Then they sat down and watched the chickadees, blue jays and other birds that came to their feeding table. One bird that came everyday to their feeding table was a woodpecker. The children estimated watched him and noticed something new fond out something about him /it the woodpecker each time he came. When he flew away he would always take some crumbs with him.
One day Sally sprinkled some bread crumbs on the feeding table and watched/observed estimated the woodpecker again. When he flew had flown away Sally kept an eye on him. The woodpecker, as usual, took some crumbs from the feeding table and flew to the roof of a garage. “Oh, oh; look Dick. The woodpecker is taking its crumbs onto the roof of the garage. It is sliding its crumbs into a crack.” “Yes.” said father, "Woodpeckers keep what is important to them and hide it  them away in dark holes or cracks.” “It is just like that we, people keeping/depositing money into a banks." "Ohh! Maybe that crack in the roof of the garage is the woodpecker’s bank!” “Yes, it is really like that.”
The next day Dick and Sally kept an eye on the woodpecker, but it didn’t come to their feeding table again. They saw a blue jay flying toward the woodpecker’s bank. The woodpecker saw it too  that and was very angry. He flew toward his bank and screamed at the blue jay and that made her very afraid. Then the blue jay flew away without any of the woodpecker’s crumbs. The children laughed and thought of the blue jay that was scared of the woodpecker.

8 января 2016 г.
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