中国剪纸有1500年的历史,是世界非物质文化遗产。在中国,每个省每个城市,每个民族都有他自己的剪纸。因为剪纸表现的是当地的风土民情和生活习惯。如今,中国剪纸已经普及推广到中小学课堂了。 Chinese paper-cutting has a history of 1500 years and is the world's intangible cultural heritage. In China, every province, every city, and every ethnic group has its own paper-cut. Because the paper-cut expresses the local customs and living habits. Nowadays, Chinese paper-cutting has been popularized in the classrooms of elementary and middle schools.
15 авг. 2021 г., 1:09
Комментариев · 1
15 августа 2021 г.