"solve" and "resolve" - Are there any differences? The issue/problem is solved. The issue/problem is resolved. Do they mean the same? If "solve" and "resolve" are different, how can we use?
9 июня 2011 г., 2:27
Ответы · 4
The problem HAS BEEN solved. The problem is resolved. to solve = to find an answer to a problem to resolve = make the problem go away; bring an end to the issue Sometimes, in practice, these two things are the same. But you can resolve an issue without actually solving it, because if the issue is resolved it no longer needs a solution. Ha!
9 июня 2011 г.
to solve is to settle something from the start, while to resolve is to settle something that has been solve befor.
9 июня 2011 г.
Solve means to find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of. Resolve means to bring to an end; settle conclusively/reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation. cowboy...
9 июня 2011 г.
They are similar, usually interchangeable..., this is how I see it. A Solution is there, you have to find it. A Resolution isn't there, It's something you make up to solve something, usually "permanently".
9 июня 2011 г.
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