Caracter or reputation? The circumstances of which you live determine your reputation. The truth you believe determines your character. Reputation is what they think you are. Character is what you really are ... Reputation is what you have when it comes to a new community. Character is what you get when you go away ... Reputation is made ​​in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime ... Reputation makes you rich or poor. Character makes you happy or unhappy ... Reputation is what men say about you next to his grave. Character is what angels say about you before God. Arnaldo Jabor
15 янв. 2012 г., 17:59
Ответы · 7
"Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is what you are, reputation is merely what others think you are.[ John Wooden]
15 января 2012 г.
So what is your question here?
15 января 2012 г.
Sorry there was an error when posted. My question is you agree with the text?
15 января 2012 г.
This looks like you do not want an answer, but are making a statement. In such a case, you might want to post this in the Notebook section.
15 января 2012 г.
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