Is there any difference between 'coincident' and 'coincidental' ? Both of them are adjective, when should we use them ? thanks .
7 мар. 2012 г., 1:33
Ответы · 4
coincidental is more common than coincident. A LOT more common. Don't worry about using coincident in everyday conversation. Btw, the noun form (coincidence) is most common. "What a coincidence!" means 真巧.
7 марта 2012 г.
It is a coincidence that we are here at the same time. It was a coincidental meeting. This means it was by chance. Nothing causes a coincidence. It just happens. You would not need to use the word coincident. coincidence is a noun. coincidental _______ is an adjective.
7 марта 2012 г.
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