meaning of "wound up" In this sentence: I almost wound up going to that game? What does "wound up" mean?
26 апр. 2012 г., 21:14
Ответы · 5
In this case, "wound up" means "by chance I ended up" or "unintentionally arrived at" For example, "I was just walking around downtown, and I wound up at the bookstore." or "I didn't have any plans, so I called Sarah, and wound up going to the game with her."
26 апреля 2012 г.
Wound up, In other cases, describes a persons excitement. They have high energy because they are anxiously happy about (in this case) a game. I am wound up about going to the game. I am wound up because of the game. I am wound up from the excitement of the game. The game has me wound up.
26 апреля 2012 г.
Wind up doing something refers to what you do in the end, usually after some indecision or discussion. For example, if you weren't sure if you wanted to go watch a movie, or have dinner, you can say: "We thought about going to the movies, then we realized we were really hungry so we wound up going to a restaurant to eat." [= in the end, we decided to go eat] "If you continue to smoke so much every day, you're going to wind up in the hospital." [= in the end, you'll get sick and have to be hospitalized] You can also use "end up."
26 апреля 2012 г.
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