How to express that time is not enough in English? Hope for the answer. If I want to express that time is not enough by a phrase, how should I say?
15 мая 2012 г., 9:10
Ответы · 8
all the sentences below help you to say you don't have enough /have no more time: - I have no more time to go over the text. - no more time left to do the exercise. - I am in lack of time. - I am running short of time - Due to lack of time i will skip this test.
15 мая 2012 г.
There isn't enough time for that.
15 мая 2012 г.
Hurry up! We're running out of time. I don't have enough time to complete this test. It's too late! We're out of time. I don't have time to help you right now. Time's up! Put your pencils down and turn in your paper. I'm busy. I can't take the time to explain it to you.
15 мая 2012 г.
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