spring equinox
difference between" settle in " and "settle down". When someone moved somewhere, can I say " I hope you've settled down." or ” I hope you've settled in."?   I'm not sure which is appropriate. Please help me. And also I'd appreciate it if you could explain the difference. Thank you.
8 июля 2012 г., 23:22
Ответы · 6
If a kid is being hyper and driving you crazy, you can tell him, "Settle down!" This is a command to relax and you'd also say this to a dog that's jumping all over you. If a golfer is making bad puts because of nerves, his or her coach might say, "Settle down more when you're standing over a put." When you've moved somewhere new and become comfortable, you could say, "I'm all settled in and I love the new apartment."
8 июля 2012 г.
Settled down refers to a change in lifestyle. For instance if you had a rogue man traveling the world finally getting a home and a family then he is settling down. Meaning his lifestyle has become more stable and he now tied down to this home. Settling in refers to a move after they have altered the place to their liking and have grown accustomed to the new place. So it sounds like Settling in would be your best bet.
9 июля 2012 г.
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