anybody from the members who want to learn tagalog and want to share his/her english way of speaking to me?
23 мая 2008 г., 0:22
Ответы · 2
Hi For improving your knowledge in English try: 1. Listen more &more to English even in your sleeping (it helps you to make a familiar atmosphere with it). 2. Write many sentences in it from short to long ones (for improving your grammar & helping to thinking in English not in your language) 3. Repeat the sentences after hearing them carefully (as same as speaker). 4. Speak more &more even you have some mistakes on it (you can correct them one by one) 5. Get a partner to conversation or chatting. 6. Practice, practice &practice (it’s the GOLD KEY for learning every thing). Try it Don't worry you can resolve your problems on it GOOD LUCK
23 мая 2008 г.
I would go to the top of the page and click on "Find a Language Partner" or click on "Groups" and join one of the many language groups we have. Good luck and hope this helps you.
23 мая 2008 г.
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