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how do u say " you are brilliant" in french?
14 июня 2008 г., 5:21
Ответы · 4
Well Ana, unlike what rubis said, actually "brilliant" is also an english word with the same meaning in both languages. So you would simply use it as it is. "You are brilliant" = "Vous êtes brillant" (When speaking to a non-friend persons, even if he/she is young) "You are brilliant" = "Tu est brilliant" (When speaking to a close friend, even if he/she is older) The difference between "Vous" and "Tu" usage in French depends on the relationship you have with the person in front of you. Formal/respectful (use "Vous") or informal/friendly (use "Tu"). Also when you speak to many persons, of course you should use "Vous". Cheers
14 июня 2008 г.
hi, first brillant is a french word. your sentence in english is said : " you are shining " in french it's said : tu es brillant for more respect for the older people is said : " vous êtes brillant " bye.
14 июня 2008 г.
hi, in french : Tu es brillant(e) S'il ya des questions ecrivez a mon e-mail : [email protected]
20 июня 2008 г.
you are brilliant= vous etes brillant ( speaking: briyyan )
15 июня 2008 г.
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