The meaning of 기분 내다? When I watch Korean dramas, I always try to write down new words so that I look them up in the dictionary later. I watched the first episode of 주군의 태양 (Master's Sun) on the weekend, and I came across this sentence which I found a bit difficult to understand. So here's a lady trying to break up with his soccer player boyfriend by saying "여기까지만 기분내자. 이만 쫑." I know the meanings "여기까지만" and "이만 쫑", so "기분 내자 (기분 내다)" is the new word for me here. I looked it in the online dictionary, and I got the sense that it can mean "to cheer up" or "to live it up". But it the context above, I personally don't really think it means either of them. So what else can "기분 내다" mean? How do we use this expression? I will be very grateful if anyone can possibly help me out here. ^^
18 дек. 2013 г., 6:10
Ответы · 3
I'm afraid i couldn't answer your question correctly because i've never watched that drama. However,my guess is that she has been having a casual relationship with him for a while and she may have started to feel bored with him somewhere along the line.So she decided to break up with him and could have told him that way.Then,i can guess that the meaning of the sentence is " 우리 여기까지만 즐기고 이만 쫑하자".. Therefore,the word "기분내자" can be interpreted as "즐기자(to enjoy)" in this sentence. Once again,I'm not sure.It's just my idea..
18 декабря 2013 г.
The word "기분(氣分)" doesn't have direct English translation, like the word 정(情), because it's meaning depends on the context. It basically means a mood or feeling of one's balance and good behaviour. To my way of thinking, in this case, "기분 내다" or "기분을 내다" refers to "to do (something) as one's certain emotional outlet".
19 декабря 2013 г.
i think that it can mean " to cheer up" and this meaing also have limited by the time. maybe this sentence in the drama she wants to say that including "to cheer up by the end of time." and " to cheer up until the this time". And i want to explain your question more in detail but my English is lacking what i want to say.
18 декабря 2013 г.
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