亚当 Adam
过和了 Are my sentences correct? 今天我学习了汉语。Today I studied Chinese. 我学习过汉语。 I have studied Chinese. 我学习了三个月中文。 I studied Chinese for three months. 我汉语学习了三个月了。 I have been studying Chinese for three months. 谢谢你们!
2 июня 2014 г., 11:14
Ответы · 10
Are my sentences correct? 【我造的句子正确吗?】 今天我学习了汉语。Today I studied Chinese. 【今天我学汉语了】 我学习过汉语。 I have studied Chinese.【我学过汉语】 我学习了三个月中文。 I studied Chinese for three months.【我学过三个月汉语】 我汉语学习了三个月了。 I have been studying Chinese for three months. 【我学汉语三个月了】 谢谢你们!
2 июня 2014 г.
Today I studied Chinese. 今天我学中文了。 I have studied Chinese. 我学过中文。 I studied Chinese for three months. 我学习过三个月中文。 I have been studying Chinese for three months. 我已经学习中文三个月了。
4 июня 2014 г.
“V+过” is to say an experience u had in the past,so it emphasize the experience thing. “了” is to say the thing the behavior happened in the past or is finished. V+了 is declare the verb is finished,sometime in the past. sentence+了 is more like to tell something u have done or have been doing up to now. it can be finished by now or can stil continue. 我学了三个月汉语。(2013年1月~2013年3月 not studying anymore now) 我汉语学(了)三个月了。(2014年3月~今天 minght keep studying or might finish today) wish my explain can help~O(∩_∩)O~
4 июня 2014 г.
多谢。I actually wrote 学 rather than 学习 the first time round but then changed it!! Good to know the difference now though.
2 июня 2014 г.
It might help to think of 学习 as verb-object. When there is an object like 汉语 or 中文, you don't need 习. When there isn't an object, 学习 sounds better than just 学.
2 июня 2014 г.
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亚当 Adam
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