Joseph Lemien
适应,合适,适合 What are the differences between 适应,合适,and 适合? How are these words used differently?
18 июня 2014 г., 8:23
Ответы · 2
适应 is a VERB like often means the animals adapt the environment or something else. 适合 is a VERB like suit,match... it often use to express if the size,colour,etc suit you 合适 is an ADJ like appropriate,suitable,fit... 它能适应多种恶劣的生存环境. 这种款式不适合我. 你这样做不合适. 穿牛仔裤出席舞会(是)不合适(的). hope it can help
18 июня 2014 г.
For 适应 :If I got a new job,I need spend more time to suit new status. For适合:If a company hiring new stuff ,they would like find out the fittest person from candidate for the position . 适合 and 合适 doesn't have a lot difference ,they are in same meaning .I think "合适“is adj. "适合”is verb. 你可以使用 这件sweater 很适合我穿。等同于我穿这件sweater 和合适。 “合适”后面不能加其他role.
18 июня 2014 г.
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Joseph Lemien
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