What do you think about living in a New City? I think, this is big city and life in there is difficult, but you will make new friends and will get best experience in learn language . Of the city is situated in the another country, of course it is a new experience and culture. In the future I want to spend my time not only in the city where I were born. Most of all I want to visit west and north England. What about You? :)
30 мар. 2015 г., 16:55
Ответы · 1
What do you think of living in a new city? I think this is a big city and life here is difficult but you will make new friends and get the best experience learning a new language. This city is within a different/another country so of course it is a new experience and culture. In the future, I want to spend my time in places other than where I was born. Most of all, I want to visit west and north England. What about you? :)
30 марта 2015 г.
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