Difference between "flashlight", "lantern" and "torch"?
2 мая 2015 г., 17:13
Ответы · 4
In American English... this is a flashlight: this is a lantern: and this is a torch. As you can see, a torch is totally something different for us Americans. In fact, our Statue of Liberty carries a torch. The Statue of Liberty with her torch:
2 мая 2015 г.
"Flashlight" is U.S., "torch" is U.K.
2 мая 2015 г.
Flashlight se refiere al artefacto que emite luz mediante una bombilla activada mediante baterías, las conocidas linternas. Lantern es la lámpara que funciona con líquidos combustibles, por ejemplo la famosa Coleman. Torch es antorcha.
2 мая 2015 г.
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