About "cloth, clothes, clothing", what are their difference? "cloth, clothes, clothing", what are their difference? I'm confused and have no idea how to use them.
25 мая 2015 г., 15:35
Ответы · 4
'Cloth' is an uncountable noun and it means fabric, or woven material, such as cotton or linen. People use cloth to make clothes. A cloth (countable) is a piece of material. You use a tablecloth to cover the table. You might use a facecloth to wash your face. 'Clothes' is a plural noun, used to refer to the garments that you wear. Trousers, shirts, dresses and socks are all clothes. 'Clothing' is an uncountable noun that has the same meaning as 'clothes', but it is used in more general and less personal contexts, such as business and industry. For example, you might say that someone works 'in the clothing industry', or that people in a disaster zone urgently need medicine, food and clothing.
25 мая 2015 г.
Cloth is a fabric you can use to make things. Clothes are things that you wear, jumpers, jeans, shirts and the like. Clothing is the collective noun for all clothes. So you could buy clothes, in a clothing section, made out of cloth.
25 мая 2015 г.
Clothes and clothing are made things you wear. Like a shirt, pants, and so on. Cloth is what you can make clothes out of. Or not. Like a table cloth. Does that make sense?
25 мая 2015 г.
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