who can help me to survive? I am Lonely,Lonely,Lonely. I am Lonely in my life. who can help me to survive?
2 окт. 2008 г., 13:27
Ответы · 4
u should first heip urself ,to get rid of that thought.Try to be part of something.Engage.there are lot like u in this site.Why cant they help eachother.If u consider me as u r friend ,i think i can help u.i love to be with those who think lonely,bcause i sometimes feel that i am lonely.sending u the request,add me as ur friend...
9 октября 2008 г.
what can i do for u?
2 октября 2008 г.
I can be ur friend if u want !! so what do u think ?
8 октября 2008 г.
Rest in peace
3 октября 2008 г.
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