Allyce 莺莺
What does "잠실 아라요" mean? Google Translate, dictionaries, etc. have been unhelpful. I know what "아라요" means, but I can't figure out what "잠실" means.
20 мар. 2016 г., 19:10
Ответы · 2
"잠실 아라요" => 잠실 알아요 => I know Jamsil. Or, 잠실 알아요? => Do you know Jamsil? 잠실 (or 송파구 잠실동 officially) is the name of one area in the southeast of Seoul. Place names are usually not in the dictionary, but this one has some related words listed in the Naver dictionary.
20 марта 2016 г.
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Allyce 莺莺
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