Can I say : I'm cooking since this morning or I have been cooking for two hours? Hello, I wonder how I can say this sentence correctly For example If it's noon and I want to tell someone how long I cooked for a lunch. I have been cooking for two hours? I'm cooking since this morning? Are these correct? Thank you so much :)
10 сент. 2016 г., 9:41
Ответы · 5
I have been cooking for two hours or I've been cooking all morning would both work very well.
10 сентября 2016 г.
You could use 'since this morning', but if it's only 12:05 it could mean five minutes or five hours. If it was evening however it works great. 'Since two hours' is incorrect, it would be FOR two hours. 'Since' would be used if you mention a time or a reference of a time; so 'since 9am' or 'since breakfast', which implies a time. Hope that helps
10 сентября 2016 г.
it's noon 1) I've been cooking for 2 hours 2) I've been cooking since 10 o clock.
10 сентября 2016 г.
I would say it this way: I cooked my lunch for two hours and now it's finished.
10 сентября 2016 г.
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