Yuuichi Tam
Does this sentence have negative meaning? Life had never been better for an unforgettable little girl who had brought happiness into so many people's lives. This is the sentence of the end of the novel Heidi. I thought this novel ends with a happy ending but this sentence seems to be negative. Does this sentence have negative meaning? Thank you for the answers. I had forgotten "never" has two meanings. Can I ask you? How do I use "never" properly? For example, when it means "negative" and when it means "positive".
18 дек. 2016 г., 16:19
Ответы · 10
all positive to me
18 декабря 2016 г.
No, it is positive. It is an affirmation that she has a good life now. Her life is better than before. In fact, "life had never been better." That means there is no time in her previous life than was better than her life now. That means she is having the best life now. "Never" has a negative sound to it, but it doesn't necessarily have a negative meaning (in the sense of sadness). It depends on how it is used. We can use "never" to talk about good things. For example, "I have never dropped my car keys down a storm drain," or "I have never gotten poison ivy." We could thank a host by saying "What a wonderful party! I've never had more fun!"
18 декабря 2016 г.
It is saying that her life was the best it had ever been. Life had never been better means that there was never a time in the past when things had been better for her. If there was never a time when things had been better, it implies that they were now at their best.
18 декабря 2016 г.
I think it doesn't! :) Btw i like that novel!
18 декабря 2016 г.
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