What does the expression "far from common sense" mean in the following sentence? ...You would think these jujitsu moves are common sense, but they are far from it. These moves can really give a woman or really anybody a self confidence to go out and feel free.
2 дек. 2008 г., 3:59
Ответы · 3
It means: "You would think these jujitsu moves are known by everybody, but that is not the case." "You would think that everybody already knows how to do these jujitsu moves, but actually very few people know how." If something is common sense, it is known by everybody how to do it.
4 декабря 2008 г.
Hi gouzai, Here it means " illogical" or "irrational" , " not based on common sense "," not based on reason and logic" .
3 декабря 2008 г.
the term 'common sense' simply refers to basic knowledge. "It's common sense that you must drink water if you want to stay alive." 'far from common sense' would mean something difficult that not everyone would know or learn easily. So in this case 'Jujitsu moves are quite difficult.'
2 декабря 2008 г.
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