Andy Lai
Anytime but now? What do the phrase 'Anytime but now' means? It really confuse me and can anyone solve it for me. Thank you.
13 янв. 2017 г., 21:18
Ответы · 3
It means that 'now' is not suitable/convenient. However, any other time is. A shorter way of expressing the same idea is 'not now'. If someone is trying to get your attention and you are very busy, you might say 'not now'. Meaning I am really busy right now, so wait until some other time.
13 января 2017 г.
Anytime but now = Anytime other than now = Anytime except now. Your friend: Can you help me? You: Sure! Your friend: When? Can you help me right now? You: Anytime but now. How about in an hour? Is that okay? Your friend: It sure is! Thanks!
13 января 2017 г.
I think it does mean now or never
13 января 2017 г.
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Andy Lai
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