깐 깡통이라는 표현에 '깐' 무슨 뜨신지요
5 июля 2018 г., 14:31
Ответы · 3
깐 is an attributive adjective form of 까다. 까다 can mean 1. to peel (the skin of fruit, etc). 2. to bare something by removing covering. 3. to hit/punch, For opening a can, we use 따다 (open by breaking the seal) more often, as in 깡통을 따다, 딴 깡통 (an opened can). 깐 is sometimes used, but it sounds a little slangy.
5 июля 2018 г.
opened can. 깐 깡통 "깐" comes from 까다 for instance 열린 문 opened door. 닫힌 문 closed door. I hope this answer helps you.
5 июля 2018 г.
깐 =open
5 июля 2018 г.
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