What does 'Dong' mean A weird word that is certainly slang , one that I hear people say all the time..... Eg 'Iya dong'.......... What does this mean? I think it means 'yes true' but if someone can confirm this, that would be very helpful. Kind regards Ryder
18 окт. 2018 г., 13:20
Ответы · 9
I agree with Terecia's answer, I however still want to add its usage in different context. 1) To soften request - Aku juga mau ikut ke pesta ulang tahunmu (dong) / I also want to join your birthday bash (please). - Perempuan dulu (dong) / Ladies first (please) - Aku tidak mau jalan, pesan taksi aja (dong) / I don't want to walk, (why don't we just) order a taxi 2) To highlight impatience - Kalau kamu tidak menyapa dia sekarang, (kapan lagi dong) kamu bertemu dia lagi? / If you don't greet him now, when else will you see him again (c'mon)!? - Aku tidak bisa disalahkan (dong!) / I can't be blamed, (c'mon!) - Kembalikan bukuku sekarang (dong!) / Return my book now (please!) - Ambil keputusan sekarang (dong!) / Take the decision right now (please!) I hope that helps.
20 октября 2018 г.
Iya dong means yes, it's true. It's a particle to soften a phrase or a sentence. It can be used at the end of a sentence or sometimes in the middle. It's used in an informal speech. I'm quite sure whether it has a similarity kind of word or expression in English. Here are some examples of the usage "dong": - Kamu jangan begitu dong, aku hanya bercanda (please, don't be like that, I was just joking) compares with: - Kamu jangan begitu, aku hanya bercanda - Kalau bukan kamu, siapa dong yang menyembunyikan dompetku? (if it wasn't you, who else that hid my wallet?) compares with: - Kalau bukan kamu, siapa yang menyembunyikan dompetku? Unfortunately, I can't translate the difference between the sentences which use "dong" and the one without "dong". All I can say is that the word "dong" implies a softer tone. Apakah penjelasan di atas cukup membantu? Regards, Tere
18 октября 2018 г.
The usage of "dong" (part II) The usage of “dong”: (1) To soften the imperative clause, in order to persuade someone to take part in a decision-making. ayo + dong (come on) i.e.: - Ayo dong, jangan diam saja (Come on, don’t just sitting around doing nothing) - Ayo dong, jangan mudah menyerah (Come on, don’t give up so easily) b. adv. of place + dong - Kita lagi di Starbucks, kamu ke sini dong (We’re in Starbucks now, why don’t you come here and join us?) - Kamu lagi sakit sekarang, kita yang ke tempatmu dong (You’re not feeling well now, why don’t we go to your place instead?) (2) To soften a request (verb + dong) - Mau ke rumah nenek, ya? Ikut, dong (You want to go to grandma’s house? May I come, please? - Gambarku jangan dibuang, dong (Don’t throw away my picture, please?) (3) To emphasize some feelings: Impatience or a feeling of being hopeless - Telpon sekarang, dong. Masakan tunggu sampai besok? ( Give her a call now, why should you wait until tomorrow?) - Bagaimana, dong? Jadi kita ke Bali? Jangan ingkari janjimu. ( So, are we going to Bali? Don’t break your promise to me) b. A feeling of being proud Siapa dulu + dong “Muridmu hebat-hebat, ya.” (Your students are incredible). “Siapa dulu, dong, gurunya, Pak Ryder.” ( Of course, if it isn’t Mr. Ryder, who else?) d. A feeling of being disappointed Tidak + verb. + dong “Maaf, aku merasa kurang sehat sekarang.” (I’m sorry, I’m feeling unwell right now). “ Kita tidak jadi jalan-jalan, dong.” (It means we can’t go window shopping then) (4) To praise someone for doing something that is expected. (usually for doing a nice thing) Begitu + dong - Nah, begitu, dong. Kalau ke sini bawa makanan yang enak ( Now then, this is what we expect. Bring some delicious food whenever you come here) - Nah, begitu, dong. Belajar yang rajin ( Now then, this is what I expect you to do, study hard)
21 октября 2018 г.
The meaning of "dong" (part I) Selamat malam, Pak I make a concise note about the word "dong". Hopefully, they help. The word “dong” usually used in informal speech. You can say it to someone of any age, usually to someone who you know well enough since it could give a rather informal nuance. It used after a word, a phrase or at the end of a sentence The meaning of “dong”: (1) It has the same meaning with “to be not”: - Aku hebat, dong, bisa menang lomba maraton kemarin (Isn’t it awesome that I could win the marathon yesterday?) - Kalau kamu harus mengalah sama adik, itu hal yang wajar, dong (Isn’t it fair if you would give in to your brother?) (2) It could means “of course” - Dia yang mengajak aku nonton, dia yang bayar, dong (He’s the one who asked me to watch a movie, of course, he’s the one who paid for the ticket) - “Kita jadi pergi besok?” (So, are we going tomorrow?). “Jadi, dong.” (Yes, of course)
21 октября 2018 г.
"Dong" is an ending that can't be translated literally to English and many other languages. If you have experience with Singlish or Chinese, you may notice that there are endings "la", "luo", "ma", etc that don't mean anything particular. It is just a style of talking.
1 ноября 2018 г.
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