Yeni (钟雪利)
What is the Past Tense of "Shine"? "Shined" or "Shone"?
4 янв. 2019 г., 8:12
Ответы · 7
Halo Yeni, Kata kerja "shine" memang mempunyai dua bentuk kata kerja lampau. Perbedaannya adalah: (1) "Shined" butuh kata objek, misal Jack shined his shoes this morning. (2) "Shone" tidak butuh kata objek, misal the sun shone brightly this morning. Ada cara untuk mengingat mengenai salah satunya, yaitu It's shone when alone (perhatikan rima "o" pada kata "shone" dan "alone") Semoga membantu, Terecia
4 января 2019 г.
Shine and Shone are both past-tense forms. I would suggest reading this article to gain an understanding of when to use one or the other.
4 января 2019 г.
Thank you Anatoly !
4 января 2019 г.
It's an irregular verb, so the corrct form is shone. "The sea shone with reflected afternoon light, sending a few small waves questing up onto the sand."
4 января 2019 г.
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