Which language is harder?Spanish or French?
14 авг. 2009 г., 13:58
Ответы · 5
Hello Idluv2gofr, It is hard to say !It depends on which language component you are talking about. I think French pronunciation is harder than Spanish. The grammar and vocabulary are similar and equally hard. If you learn one of those languages you will find learning the other quite easy!
14 августа 2009 г.
It depend on your mother tongue. For Chinese Cantonese, Spanish is easier, for Chinese Mandarin, French is easier. The grammar construction in spanish is closer to Cantonese. But, the biggest problem for most of the Chinese is the pronounciation of "R". French is closer to English, if you speak English, it helps a lot.
14 августа 2009 г.
I have studied both languages. If your learning method is based heavily on reading and writing, then Spanish is much easier, because all of the letters in each word are pronounced the same, all the time. French has many silente letters, and more complex rules of grammar, so French pronunciation is much more difficult to derive just from reading the words. However, if you learning method is mostly orally based (natural method), then either language may be easier, depending on your mother tongue, as has already been stated.
17 августа 2009 г.
Well, it depends on the your mother tongue and the language you already know, especially in pronunciation and vocabulary Also, It's hard to compare between two close languages but let me tell you this: Spanish is much easier than French! in grammar and pronunciation French is obviously harder, but vocabulary, there are a lot of similarities.. so you can learn both languages at the same time without difficulties!!
16 августа 2009 г.
Hola, In my opinion, french pronunciation is harder than spanish. But if you like both i'm sure that you can study it.
15 августа 2009 г.
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