what is the difference between "excess" and "excessive"when they are both adjective?
26 сент. 2009 г., 12:26
Ответы · 2
Hello Ruby, As Marie mentioned "excessive" is an adjective, it is not a noun. "Excess" is the noun and could be an adjective as well. The noun for "excessive" is " excessiveness ". Both " excess" and "excessive" have basically the same meaning, yet they could be different components of the sentence ( when excess is a noun not an adjective). They both mean beyond the normal limits, more than normal or necessary, inordinate, an overindulgence,immoderately. Excess ( as a noun) an excess of luggage . Here it means the number of luggage is beyond the permitted limits. an excess of tolerance. Here the degree of tolerance is beyond the normal amount. Excess ( as an adjective): Trying to lose excess weight The weight is more than the normal limits. ( Here "excessive" could be used as well). Excessive: It is only an adjective. They asked for excessive charges.
26 сентября 2009 г.
Hello Ruby "excess" is a noun and means extravagance, overindulgence, surplus "excessive" is an adjective which means dear, exceeding, exorbitant, overmuch, stiff or immoderate... As you see it is not really the same thing.
26 сентября 2009 г.
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