'smell' is negative word(generally)? how about the 'smell studio' to brand?
13 дек. 2009 г., 5:25
Ответы · 3
"Smell" is generally a neutral meaning, but used alone it can imply the smell is bad: "there's a smell in here". (I think the quote is, "the best smell is no smell at all", but that's Montaigne quoting a Roman writer.) To make the meaning definitely positive, you need a positive adjective like 'pleasant', 'lovely', or 'inoffensive'. Some positive synonyms for smell are: aroma, fragrance, scent, perfume. Some negative synonyms: stench, stink, reek. Are you thinking of this for a business name? There is a "Hell Smell Studio" (recording studio) in Rome...
14 декабря 2009 г.
hi sang-ho, I think it's more of the adjective "SMELLY" that always has a negative connotation. when you use the word "SMELL" as a verb, it could either imply a negative or positive meaning. so your brand should go like this: "SMELLY STUDIO" or better yet, "Stinky Studio". :)
14 декабря 2009 г.
I hope this could help you. The word "smell" may be used in different ways. as a verb: smell (smelt, also smelled) 1. inhale the odor of 2. emit an odor "The soup smells good." 3. have a bad odor "He rarely takes a bath, so he smells." (a negative remark) 4. have an element suggestive (of something) "This passage smells of plagiarism." 5. Become aware of not through the senses but instinctively "I smell trouble." as a noun 1. The sensation that results when olfactory receptors in the nose are stimulated by particular chemicals in gaseous form. "She love the smell of roses." 2. Any property detected by the olfactory system. 3. The general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people. "It had the smell of treachery." 4. The faculty that enables us to distinguish scents. 5. The act of perceiving the odor of something. Enjoy!
13 декабря 2009 г.
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